Elton Allotment Rejuvenation

The group revived an award of £1,424 towards their allotment project

Ground work has started, with the plots being cleared. This has taken several days so far and more are booked in within a couple of weeks.

There has been an influx of people requesting plots, due to the world’s current situation. People are becoming aware that homegrown produce is very beneficial, so too is the exercise for physical and mental well-being.

ELTON Allotments

For those interested in an Allotment space, please contact: Anne Robertson, Booking Secretary – tel no: 075959 31437 or by email: arobertson.e.a.a.plots@gmail.com

(Committee Secretary – Denise Haven – tel no: 0771041113 or by email: denise_haven@hotmail.com)